The ladies of Phi Mu raised over $4,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and the Caroline Lewis Scholarship at their annual mangeant on November 2.
“We actually have a local one [Children’s Miracle Network Hospital] here in Mobile, so it makes it really great fundraising because you get to see where your money is going towards, which is really great for us as Phi Mus,” said Phi Mu Philanthropy Chair, Juleah Scarlett.
Six fraternity men were sponsored by another Greek organization and directly raised money through social media posts and encouraged people to come out and support the event. The amount of money raised along with the tickets sold for each contestant contributed to their overall score in the mangeant.
“I had a great time donating and fighting for the Children’s Miracle Network. It was such a good cause and I am glad I did it. It was fun and I would do it again” said third-place winner Gavin Johnson.
Mangeant consisted of three rounds: casual, talent, and formal. The boys made campaign videos for the first round and prepared a talent for the second round. These talents ranged from singing to dancing and even haircuts and cooking. In the final round, the men dressed in their best formal attire and answered questions.
“My favorite part had to be my talent. It was so funny,” Johnson said. “Even if I hadn’t gotten any place, hearing my classmates cheer me on was like the best part of that night.”
At the end of the event, the results were tallied and Harrison Weisinger, a sophomore who represented his fraternity, Lambda Chi, took the title of Lion King.
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals works to help fund children’s hospitals across the United States to support families with children undergoing treatment or surgery.
The Caroline Lewis Scholarship is a Spring Hill College scholarship created in memory of Caroline Lewis, a women’s soccer player who passed away in 2019 in the middle of her sophomore year at Spring Hill.
To learn more about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals go to Children’s and Women’s Hospital and to learn more about the Caroline Lewis Scholarship, visit Caroline Lewis Memorial Scholarship.