Over 15,000 canned goods were collected during Lambda Chi’s 2022 Watermelon Bash on September 17.
“We also raised over $1,000 for the scholarship fund,” Lambda Chi’s Vice President of External Affairs, Ian Hanneman, said. “It’s a great way to bring out canned goods and really throw on a good event.”
This year, all monetary donations raised at this event went to the Caroline Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund. All canned goods were given to Feeding the Gulf Coast for Feeding America. Sororities and other student organizations participated in this event. Courtney Faulkner, president of Phi Mu, was excited to participate in her fourth Watermelon Bash. “Throughout the last week, we’ve gone on trips to Walmart, raising over 9,000 cans to help Feeding the Gulf Coast,” Faulker said.
Other students came to this event for other reasons. “My favorite part about Watermelon Bash is competing,” Tri-Delta’s director of intramurals and activities, Michelle Lorio, said. “I’m so excited for the event. Me and all my team are so excited to compete.”
To receive points, teams created signs, shared social media posts and turned in canned goods. At the end of the event, Phi Mu placed first, Delta Gamma came in second and Tri Delta finished third. Mice Nelons took home the “Best Freshman Team” award, and Sigma Kappa earned the “Most Spirited” award.
Lambda Chi has hosted this event since 2005 to raise money and canned goods for their philanthropy.After every event, the cans are loaded into a delivery truck and sent to their destination where they are distributed to those in need.
For more information regarding the Watermelon Bash or to view photos from the event, visit Lambda Chi’s Instagram at instagram.com/lambdachialpha_shc/. To watch the video story go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuMyQxPSBV8.