Maddie Bouck
Director of Operations, Logan Barrett, prepares for summer courses
Spring Hill College is providing students with online summer courses in all departments to assist undergraduates in completing their degrees. To ensure every student can fit classes into their summer schedule, the school offers one full term along with two mini-terms.
Since the school is able to offer over 50 different courses, the summer term has been able to help students complete their degrees in order to graduate at their desired time. Senior business major Alex Theriot said, “Summer classes helped me stay on track because I had to drop classes in previous years. Although it wasn’t my initial plan, my advisor recommended it to help me graduate on time this upcoming May.”
Logan Barrett, Director of Operations and Adjunct Instructor, gave a glimpse into the benefits of fulfilling credits over the summer term. “The biggest thing with summer classes that’s been a benefit for students, is that they will count towards their GPA. If you transfer in a credit from another school, it’s not going to count towards your GPA,” Barrett said. Although the summer tuition rate has gone up, Barrett claimed it is a “Severely discounted tuition rate of $425 per credit hour.” Barrett shared that Spring Hill’s summer tuition is almost “cut in half” in comparison to most other institutions.
Although not all fall and spring courses are offered in the summer, Barrett said, “We are very open to students, so, if there’s a class that a whole bunch of students really want, it’s flexible.”
It is most common to see core requirements and elective classes being offered in the summer because they are in high demand by the majority of the students on campus. Registration for the full-term course is open from March 4 until May 31. These classes will begin on May 28 ending on July 25. The first mini-term will start on May 28 and will end on June 21. The second mini-term starts July 1 through July 26.
For more information on summer courses contact visit https://www.shc.edu/summer/.