Liam Leonard
Ultimate Frisbee Team regroup during game
The Ultimate Frisbee team won both games at the Battle of the Oaks tournament on campus on November 4. Despite having one team drop out, the Badger’s Ultimate Frisbee team, or the Shucs, won both games against Southern Mississippi.
Senior player Brayden Morgan stated, “We still had a lot of fun playing the team that came out, they were great sports and a lot of fun to play against and it made for a great matchup.”
These two games were the first for the Badgers of the year. Brayden Morgan said, “It was great to see the team out there playing so well together, especially with the new faces we have out here”. The team did in fact play well together according to the score.
They played two games where the first team to thirteen points won. In the first game, the Shucs saw no issues defeating Mississippi State 13-5. They saw similar success in the second game, beating them 13-7.
Members of both teams at the end could be seen conversing and having a good time when playing the sport they all enjoy.
Senior Charlie Kraft said, “It was so cool watching an ultimate tournament, I’ve never watched a full game of ultimate so to see all the rules and watch the team play was really cool, I have a good buddy on the team, and watching him do so well was great too.”
Morgan explained that though this tournament was fun, it was just the beginning for the team, stating they have two tournaments planned for next semester. One of them includes a tournament in Tuscaloosa, and one of them will hopefully be hosted on campus again.
Make sure to follow the Ultimate team’s Instagram page for more updates on when they are playing or how to join @springhillultimateclub, and come out and support your badgers next time they play.