Isaac McPherson
Quentin surveying the progress on damaged buildings.
Due to past events, conditions, and new management, Spring Hill College’s ResLife department is now enforcing housing regulations that have been in place for years.
Quentin Brackenridge, Director of Residence Life since July of 2023, said that he wants to enforce these housing regulations that have been in place for years.
This is due to Spring Hill finding new leadership in the form of a new president, Dr. Mary Van Brunt.
With the college’s new ResLife Director, Brackenridge had a vision to crack down on issues that have accumulated from years prior due to the lack of enforced regulations from previous directors.
Brackenridge emphasizes this statement by saying, “We were able to analyze and see that there were a lot of things that we were doing in housing that were probably not best practice.”
One of the biggest factors that come into this are the occupancy rules.
Brackenridge made it clear that this was the rule that had the biggest outrage from students.
For example, according to the newly enforced housing rules highlighted at a mandatory ResLife meeting for all residents on August 20, 2023, only 10 people are allowed in each of The Fairways apartments at one time.
Brackenridge states that “the misconception students have is that we want only 10 people in the apartment at one time when that is not the case, instead we don’t mind that as long as the event doesn’t cause damage or risk to the students.”
Senior Isabella Lorr has been living on campus for 4 years. She stated “We have seen more than 50 people in an apartment at once and never had a problem.” She continues by saying “ResLife should worry more about the health and safety concerns of the apartments.” As she states that her apartment was infested with mold and roaches. She continues in regard to rules being enforced by saying “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Senior Norris McClure, who is a member of the baseball team, who has also been living on campus for 4 years. He stated “it’s going to be hard for housing to enforce these rules as students aren’t going to be used to the change.” McClure also goes on to say, “ this is the reason why we come to a small school like this, so we can have our friends over, and do things together.”
To prevent accidents, such as the floor caving in, Residence Life wants to enforce these rules so the school and the students have a safe environment to live.
These regulations are also enforced to protect the self-image of the school according to Brackenridge.
Brackenridge says that “students should not be afraid to reach out and give their suggestions on how to make their life on campus better”.
Brackenridge wants students to be engaged in making their life on campus the best it can possibly be.