Liz White, a senior at Spring Hill, raised $126,000 with Pedal the Pacific this summer for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Pedal the Pacific is a nonprofit organization working to raise awareness and money for the anti-sex trafficking movement.
This organization gathers a small group of college-aged women each summer to bike 1,800 miles in hopes of grabbing people’s attention and starting a conversation about the worldwide issue of sex trafficking.
For nearly two months, White biked the Pacific coast advocating for awareness alongside her 10 other teammates. “You would be so shocked by how open and receptive people are to hearing about this issue. And it is crazy to see how easily people would step into that conversation with you once you have given them a way to get into it,” said White.
Leading up to her big journey, White said she had doubts about if she was truly capable and qualified for it. She had a five month training process that she described as “isolating” and was unsure if this was something for her. However, she persevered and exceeded her expectations of her own abilities.
In addition to raising awareness for the anti-sex trafficking movement, Pedal the Pacific said, “Riders learn the power of their voices when fighting for justice, something that lasts long after their time with us is finished.”
Since returning from her bike along the Pacific coast, White says that her life has changed in more ways than she could have ever imagined. “I don’t feel held back by the idea that I can’t do something. I know I will show up and I will do my best and I will get there,”said White.
For more information on Pedal the Pacific and the anti sex traffickingmovement, visit https://www.pedalthepacific.org .