Counselors Madison Heflin and Chiara Johnson.
After serving in a limited capacity during COVID, the SHC “Wellness Center” has reopened under the name Counseling Services Center, with two former interns, Chiara Johnson and Madison Heflin, now working as counselors.
The Counseling Services Center has transitioned from the previously known Wellness Center due to the fact that there is no longer medical support offered at the center. Counseling Services can help students with relationship issues, family matters, mental health issues, and much more. These services are completely free to all Spring Hill students.
Currently, Johnson and Heflin are the only two counselors working for the center. They both work full-time to provide support for the SHC student body. Madison Heflin was hired to Spring Hill this year as a Mental Health Counselor after recently completing her Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of South Alabama in 2021.
While Heflin was just recently hired, she is a familiar face to many students, because she interned at the SHC Wellness Center during the 2020-2021 school year where she developed a passion for working with college students. “We’re really excited to be here,” said Heflin.
One of their goals for the year was to get more involved on campus. Both, Johnson and Heflin, attended events for body positivity week and they helped sponsor career week that occurred the week of March 14 through the 18.
“I think we’re excited to get back and work with people we worked with before and collaborating with the different departments, that’s fun and we didn’t really have an opportunity to do that in our internships,” Heflin said.
During career week, Counseling Services hosted a well-being workshop for students, with the goal of helping them prepare for adulthood and life after college. They specifically focused on how to address your wellbeing as an adult professional.
“It’s all about defining adulthood with rests of productivity, so we’re really excited to do that,” said counselor Chiara Johnson.
To make a counseling appointment or to speak with one of these counselors, email your name, availability, and preference of in-person or virtual appointments at [email protected]. You can also call at