Madeline Ortego
Julia McKenzie gets Mardi Gras Ball ticket from Aaron Foster
The annual Mardi Gras Ball will be on Feb. 22, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tickets will be available in the back of the cafeteria in the student center every common hour on Tuesday and Thursday until Feb. 15th or tickets run out.
Tickets are free for all Spring Hill students and only $10 for outside guests. Drink tickets will be available for attendees 21 and over for $4 per at a three drink maximum. Although tickets are free, there will be limited space so register soon if you would like to attend!
Since early last semester, the Spring Hill Campus Programming Board, also known as CPB, has been working diligently to create events that the students will enjoy and gain meaningful experiences. Of those events, the annual Mardi Gras Ball is one of the most memorable events that Campus Programming puts together. Each year, CPB’s Special Events co-chairs work from the beginning of school until mid-February ironing out the meticulous details the ball consists of.
Aaron Foster, current CPB President, says “There are so many small, moving parts that the Mardi Gras Ball consists of, because it is such a large event, that the sooner you start planning and getting tasks done, there is less stress as the ball gets closer. We are so excited to finally start getting back into some of our old traditions since the mask mandate has been a little more lenient since around this time last year”.
Although CPB is back with the traditional Mardi Gras Ball, there have been a few changes to make the event more exciting for faculty and students. Campus Programming and the Student Government Association, as known as SGA, have teamed up with CPB to have a Mardi Gras Court this year. Each senior is allowed to nominate one male and one female to be the Duke and Duchess of the Mardi Gras Ball. Of these nominations, the four most recurring names of each gender will be asked to ride on SGA’s float this year. A run-off election will take place early in the week and the winner will be announced at the Mardi Gras Ball.
CPB is also looking for volunteers to help decorate and remove decorations before and after the ball. Volunteers will receive a gift card and community service hours after their selected slot of volunteer time has been completed. Student Body Liaison Chair of CPB, Caroline Luck says “When it comes to volunteers, the more, the merrier! I would love for there to be a great turnout because this will be a great way to gain some of the behind the scene with Campus Programming while getting a token of appreciation as well.” Volunteer signups will take place at the same time as Mardi Gras Ball ticket registration.