Carson Reeves
Tri Delta members with Dr. Eads during the self-defense class.
The Gamma Delta chapter of Tri Delta here on Spring Hill College Campus hosted its annual Tri Love Week. The purpose of this week is to promote positive reinforcement to those around you and the awareness of emotional wellbeing.
October is nationally recognized as Emotional Wellness Month. This month is geared toward educating individuals on how you can positively impact the physical and psychological wellbeing of those around you, while also making positive changes for yourself.
Outside sources such as stress, high levels of screen time, unhealthy relationships and low physical health are all things that affect your emotional status. By monitoring these things for yourself and those that you love, you could be offering help in regards to someone’s emotional state. “Mental health is very important, even the smallest sticky note helps,” said Junior Sophie Bailey.
Tri Delta organized events to showcase ways in which others can avoid the feelings of emotional decline and negative thoughts. All Tri Delta members posted positive thoughts all throughout campus to remind fellow students and faculty that they are loved. Or simply wrote a nice phrase to put a smile on someone else’s face. Small things like this are proven to boost emotional well being.
The chapter also held a self defense class with faculty member Dr. Eads to educate young adults on ways to protect themselves. Classes such as these give confidence to those struggling with emotional thoughts as well as those who are confident in themselves.
Emotional wellness is defined as our ability to process emotions in a safe and positive way in order to deal with the stress and reality of our everyday lives.
Tri Delta member Emma Fisher said, “Our mission this week is to open up a conversation about mental health and wellness within our chapter, and create a support system that will help all girls feel more comfortable to get any support they need!”
If you have any questions about emotional wellbeing or are interested in helping yourself and others gain positive reinforcements, reach out to a Tri Delta member or simply compliment someone on campus today.