Marian Cook
Spring Hill College's Avenue of the Oaks
Spring Hill College welcomes students from Loyola University amidst Hurricane Ida’s destructive impact on the city of New Orleans. The students will be staying here for the upcoming weeks as Spring Hill College continues to aid the university in any way possible.
Spring Hill’s President, E. Joseph Lee, PhD said, “ We know that many of our families, friends and loved ones were impacted by the storm and need our support. Whether that impact was physical from storm damage or emotional from storm-related stress and worry, we want to provide our Spring Hill College family with some helpful resources.”
Emotional Support:
The Wellness Center is ready and available to help with the stress and concerns that may have been brought on by the storm. Please see their information or call 251-380-2271. St. Joseph Chapel is open 24/7 as a space for prayer and reflection.
For You or Your Family:
If you or your family were impacted by Hurricane Ida and need any items, please contact Campus Ministry for support. The campus food pantry can also be a resource for you.
The Student Emergency Fund is available to assist students with expenses that may now be difficult. For more info contact Kevin Abel, Vice President of Student Affairs at [email protected].
Collecting Items:
Campus Ministry is also collecting donations to send to Louisiana. Donors may bring items to Campus Ministry or a box located in the back of the cafeteria.
Cleaning supplies: gloves, bleach, Clorox wipes, spray cleaner, dish soap
Personal items: diapers, wipes, formula, new children’s underwear, feminine products, shampoo, soap, towels.
Household items: trash bags, paper towels, tarps.
They will also take Walmart gift cards to donate to families.
There are also several local organizations accepting donations:
Catholic Charities of New Orleans: https://www.ccano.org/
Cajun Navy: https://cajunrelief.org/donations/donate-cajun-navy-foundation
Catholic Charities of Houma-Thibodaux: https://catholiccharitiesht.org/
Founded in 1830, Spring Hill College is the oldest Catholic College in the Southeast and the third-oldest Jesuit college in the United States. Spring Hill combines the Jesuit tradition of excellence in education and a commitment to caring for the whole person – mind, body and spirit – with innovative educational experiences. Located in Mobile, Ala., Spring Hill’s mission is to form leaders engaged in learning, faith, justice and service for life. As a result, Spring Hill students are engaged, inspired and transformed by their experiences.
We as an institution live our lives by serving others, and helping those in need. If you or a loved one is in need of physical or emotional support please feel free to contact us at any of the above addresses. Spring Hill College is willing and ready to provide any necessary assistance to those in need. Our prayers are with all of those who have been affected by Hurricane Ida’s path.