The mark of a new year means the beginning of the infamous Girl Scout Cookie season. Dozens of girls belonging to the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama spent their weekend beginning their 3 monthlong cookie season. Despite the chilly weather and harsh winds, troops in Mobile set up outside storefronts across the city and sold boxes of their beloved cookies to people in the Mobile area.
Troop 8003 of Mobile sold their cookies outside of Winn Dixie on Sunday afternoon. 10-year-old Lily, a Junior level scout, worked troop 8003’s booth with her fellow scouts and a few dedicated moms. Lily has been a scout since she was 4 years old. “Next, I’ll be a cadette scout,” she says.
After selling cookies with her troop for six years, Lily notes that Thin Mints are always the best seller during the cookie season. SHC senior Rob Stewart shared that Thin Mints are his favorite Girl Scout Cookie. He said, “Thin Mints rock my socks.” Senior Ashlyn Adams and Junior Nora Brooks also said that Thin Mints are their favorite cookie. Adams said, “they taste really good if you put them in the freezer and eat them cold.”
The troops of Mobile offer eight other delicious cookie flavors in addition to Thin Mints, including Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties. The troops in Mobile belong to the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama which has over 5,300 members. According to the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama website, over 725,000 boxes of cookies were sold in the Southern Alabama area. Each box of cookies is $4 with the exception of the gluten-free cookies, which are $5.
Booth locations and dates can be found through the Girl Scout Cookie Finder app or at http://www.girlscoutssa.org/. The closest booth location to Spring Hill College is the Walmart located on the I65 Service Road.
The Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama will continue selling cookies until March 3.