Grace Gundlach
The letters written to legislators.
ONE, a Spring Hill College organization, held a meeting for students to write letters urging senators and representatives to vote to continue international funding for women’s aid in foreign countries. The event took place on Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in LeBlanc.
ONE aims to address social justice issues, starting at the grassroots level. ONE’s current campaign focuses on the issue that “poverty is sexist,” and that women all around the globe should strive for equal rights. However, in poorer countries, this goal is even harder to achieve because gender inequality is vast; but if every major country in the world were to slightly increase its foreign affairs budget, it would positively impact millions of girls who cannot receive an education.
The founder of ONE at SHC, freshman Grace Gundlach, organized the event so students could write to Alabama senators and representatives and encourage them to support the cause. Gundlach stated, “The purpose of letter writing is to show our legislators that their constituents care about these issues. We want to encourage and ask them to vote for bills we support, against the ones we don’t, and thank them for all the work they are already doing.”
Gundlach traveled to Washington D.C., last month with other ONE leaders to learn how they can make changes in their local communities. Gundlach shared insights about her experience and said, “I think our generation is already having a huge impact on social change. College students today seem to be extremely passionate and engaged in social activism. ONE symbolizes the most powerful resource we have: our voice.”
International Women’s Day is March 8, and ONE plans to hold an activity on campus to show support and solidarity. Gundlach concluded, “[The event] will include a way to honor female artists throughout history. It will be open to everyone on campus, and details are coming soon!”