Spring Hill's Greek community may be growing in the next year.
Within the next year, a new social fraternity will be founded on Spring Hill College’s campus. Delta Lambda Phi, or ΔΛΦ, is an international organization that was founded in 1986 by Vernon L. Strickland III in Washington, D.C. Otherwise known as DLP, the fraternity was founded to be a social organization for the LGBT community, and there are currently 26 chapters in the United States and Canada. The fraternity joined the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) in 2013, and was the first group to join the NIC as a cultural interest fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men.
According to the group’s official website, DLP’s mission is: “Founded by Gay men for all men, the mission of Delta Lambda Phi is to enhance the quality of life among men irrespective of sexual orientation or gender expression by providing dignified and purposeful social, service and recreational activities.” The group aims to live out their purposes of developing dignified and purposeful social, service and recreational activities for all men, leading in determining the rights and privileges of individuals, and presenting a strong and positive image by respecting all individuals. Their values include excellence, integrity, diversity, justice, service, friendship and commitment.
As for the Spring Hill chapter, Coviceaperry Ramirez is set to be the president for the group’s first active year. He expects the new organization to have a progressive impact on campus. “It is a fraternity aimed at the addition of men with progressive views on the world,” he stated. “This will aid in the diversity for the student body of Spring Hill.”
As for recruitment, the organization is part of NIC—not SHC’s Interfraternity Council (IFC)—so they will be participating in a separate recruitment process than the other Greek organizations. “We are expecting a very humble rush period between 10-20 members,” Ramirez stated.
By the Spring of 2018, more information about the organization will be available to the campus.