Grace Thelen
Carolina Taquechel participating in an event
This past Saturday Lambda Chi Alpha hosted their annual Watermelon Bash to raise money and collect canned goods for Feeding the Gulf Coast.
More than ten different teams came out Saturday afternoon at Dorn field to participate in a series of events such as tug of war, a watermelon launch, and other sorts of relay races. The week leading up to this event all teams were in competition to fundraise and buy as many canned goods as possible.
Feeding the Gulf Coast is a local organization in Mobile that raises money to feed families in need. Feeding the Gulf Coast is always looking for volunteers, as well as donations. All cans and money raised from Watermelon Bash go directly to this organization.
A junior Lambda Chi Jack DeFraites said, “This was my first year participating in this event. By the looks of it everyone had a fun time, and I am so happy with the turn out this year, considering it was our best year yet.” DeFraites said they had been planning for this for a few weeks getting every detail just right in order to have this event take place.
This year went down as the biggest Watermelon Bash that Lambda Chi has ever had. They raised over 16,000 pounds of canned goods and over $2,800 in donations. This year doubled the amount of cans and money that was donated last year. First place was awarded to Phi Mu, second place went to Tri Delta, and third place went to Delta Gamma.
For more information about Feeding the Gulf Coast please visit https://www.feedingthegulfcoast.org.