So, what is responsible drinking?
It’s hard to imagine college without the image of alcohol being involved to some capacity, but to what capacity is important to examine. Spring Hill College is a wet campus, which means students that are of age are allowed to consume alcohol on campus property. But with this privilege comes responsibility, and that means making sure that students are partaking in safe drinking.
Spring Hill College’s amnesty policy states it “is designed for situations when a student needs medical assistance because of alcohol or substance use. It is intended to encourage students to come forward, without fear of disciplinary action being taken against the intoxicated student or those friends/bystanders who seek to help them, to pursue medication intervention.” This policy is to make sure that students are being responsible with their drinking, and if they are not the policy gives them the opportunity to handle the situation safely if things go too far. Having self-control is important when drinking to make sure that one does not let things get out of hand, and it is understand that drinking does not have to always end in uncontrollable intoxication.
Tamonica Jones, an academic junior and first year residence advisor, gave her opinion on what it means to practice safe drinking. “I believe responsible drinking is when a person understands the idea of being drunk is not equivalent to ‘a good time,’” said Jones. She went on to explain that there are steps a person can take if they know they will be consuming alcohol in order to stay safe. “If a person knows he/she will be intoxicated, then that person should have a sober friend who is responsible for them, and they should be responsible for the drinker’s alcohol consumption, appropriate actions and well-being before and after,” Jones shared.
Kiera Williams, a senior, shared some of the things she’s learned over the years about what it means to be a responsible drinker. “The key is to make sure that you don’t drink too much, it’s not a competition. It’s important to know your limits, and if you don’t then don’t push yourself just because everyone else is drinking too much,” Williams said.
Another senior, Jackson Harris, added what he thought responsible drinking included to make sure that you keep your body healthy and safe. “You have to make sure you have food in your stomach, that you are hydrating plenty of time before you start [drinking] and to not mix too many different types of drinks,” Harris said.
According to the College Drinking Prevention government website, “Alcohol depresses nerves that control involuntary actions such as breathing and the gag reflex (which prevents choking.) A fatal dose of alcohol will stop these functions.” The site explains the symptoms of alcohol poisoning to include mental confusion, vomiting, slow or irregular breathing, hypothermia, and seizures. It is important to know these symptoms and warning signs, and to look out for your friends or others that you may see experiencing these symptoms.